# Remote Cluster Provider

For larger projects with many services running a local Kubernetes cluster is not feasible anymore. Unikube will support user-based dedicated cluster connection handling for individual remote development clusters. For the CLI user, it is not visible whether the cluster is local or remote.

Impacted Services

  • Requires a new service that stores and manages cluster connections
  • Frontend to integrate the connection details for users and environments
  • The CLI pulls connection details upon project up and uses it on subsequent cluster interaction

The Unikube CLI implements a pluggable Kubernetes provider architecture. It is intended to support all kinds of providers. Currently, k3d (opens new window) is the only supported (and default) provider by Unikube's CLI.
This ensures that each CLI user gets its very own Kubernetes cluster. There are many advantages of having a local development set-up: the internet connection can be of bad quality, fast and responsive local IDEs and not to forget about data privacy concerns. However, large projects with many services simply overwhelm even high-performance computers. In addition, depending less on personal hardware by moving development environments into the cloud is beneficial, too.

In order to support all scenarios, we're planning to create a feature called "remote cluster provider".

Remote Cluster Provider

Since the development set-up can be different even within one organisation, Unikube will provide different cluster providers (and connections) based on the selected project. The configuration for the CLI user is determined upon project up and prepared locally. The interface and experience of the CLI will stay the same for all providers in order to hide that complexity from the user. This feature will be particularly useful in scenarios when multiple team members share the same cluster connection.