# Dynamic Deck Creation


Create decks with Unikube platform's UI. Currently, deck are completely based on Helm's Chart.yaml files. This feature depends on K8S Manifest Support. This feature enables users to create a dedicated installable unit for a specified portion of their cluster's applications and resources.


A Deck is the smallest installable unit on Unikube. More information (opens new window).

Impacted Services

  • Frontend Service - Display detailed information about K8S manifests and Helm files. Allow the creation of decks combining multiple sources (K8S resources as well as Helm charts).
  • Project Service - Allow multiple Git repositories per project. Store information about Charts and K8S Manifest files.
  • Unikube Commons - Advanced information extraction for Charts and K8S Manifests.
  • Manifest Service - Bundle given resources into Deck during rendering process.
  • CLI - Make user created Decks installable.


The creation of Decks through the Unikube UI depends on the support for K8S Manifests. Furthermore project's need to support multiple git repositories since some cloud native applications have a distributed organization of their K8S resource description (K8S manifests/Helm). The frontend should provide a visualization of the retrieved information from the chart and manifest files. These information are extracted by the commons package.

Example information (pre-rendering):

  • list of dependencies
  • annotation / descriptions
  • version information

Example information (post-rendering):

  • list of applications
  • list of deployments
  • list of k8s resources
  • used images

With the given information users should be able to create a Deck through Unikube platform's UI. This could be some kind of drag'n drop logic, or just a simple 2 way selector (add/remove from list).

When a Deck was successfully created it should be installable through Unikube's CLI.