# Docker

Docker containers are standardized software units. These units consist of everything that is relevant for the respective application. These can be libraries, code and system tools. Thanks to the practical container, software applications can be provided in any environment - whether on-site infrastructure or in the cloud.

The technology behind Docker is based on microservices. With these microservices, software applications can be created, scaled and tested faster and more cost-effectively. Code can be integrated and deployed faster.

The advantages of Docker are:

  • Microservices: Build and scale applications faster.

  • Code: Fast integration and deployment.

  • Administration: Content and infrastructure can be better controlled.

  • Modularity: Repairs and updates are easier to do.

  • Container images: Reusability of the images ensures faster development.

  • Rollback function: Agile development thanks to versioning.

  • Cost efficiency: New hardware can be put into operation much more cheaply.